Kid's Wagons | Outdoor Toys

Wagon Dimensions and Features

Selecting the Perfect Step2 Wagon - Dimensions and Features

At Step2, when it comes to our products, we like to provide consumers with as much information as possible about our playhouses, play kitchens, buggies and art desks & easels. The same is true for the multitude of kid’s wagons that we carry. With so many options to choose from, deciding on the right wagon for your child can be difficult. In order to make the decision easier, we have created two graphs, which showcase the different features included with each wagon. We hope this makes selecting the right wagon a breeze for you and your family!

All Around Canopy WagonAll Around Canopy Wagon BlueCanopy Cruise WagonCanopy WagonWhisper Ride Touring Wagon

without-canopies-headerHeadersAll Around Wagon Choo Choo Wagon Wagon for Two with Trailer Wagon for Two Plus Neighborhood Wagon

*Please note that the outside height dimension of the wagons without canopies include the height of the handle.

*These graphs only include wagons that are sold on

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