get out and play | Hints and Tips

Getting Into Shape with Your Kids

Each year a common resolution is to lose weight. Losing weight can be a difficult task when you are taking care of your kids every day (that is a full time job within itself!). A great way to get back into shape is by getting your kids involved and active as you do the same.

Here are some fun and energetic moves both you and your children can enjoy:

Dance party: Crank up the tunes and dance around the house. Whether you are cleaning or participating in play time- break out in random dance spurts with your kids and go with the flow of the music. Even get up and dance while there is a commercial on with catchy music.

Be a mirror: Try to show your kids some basic yoga or cardio moves by asking them to imitate you. Simple yoga moves like Warrior I and Happy Baby aren’t too strenuous for kids.

Set up an obstacle course: If you have enough room in your home, use your children’s toys and create an obstacle course that both you and your kids can use. Time each other as your race to through the obstacle course. Whoever wins get a prize!

Get out and play: Right now, it is very cold and snowy in some areas. In others areas, it may be bright and sunny. Either way, playing outside can burn some calories. If you live where temperatures are frigid right now, make a snowman and shovel the driveway with your kids. Make it fun and a friendly competition. See who can make the biggest snowmen or the most snowmen in fifteen minutes or see who can shovel the most snow off the driveway. For the places with sunshine and warm weather, wash the car together and dance while doing it. For an extra challenge, grab that stroller or wagon and jog as your children enjoy a joy ride.

Roll around, be silly, and do random workout moves with your kids. Any type of physical movement will help to lose those extra pounds.

So what are you waiting for? Get moving with your kids and have some fun with one of the most popular resolutions of them all.

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