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15 Fun Apple Facts to Share with Kids while Picking Apples

Delicious, nutritious and fun for the whole family! What could it be? Apple picking!

Apple picking gets the whole family up and outside and enjoy the fall weather. Parents can teach their kids about the environment and how important plants and trees are to our life cycle. They can also share these interesting facts about apples with the family:

  1. The best time to pick apples is typically between August and October.
  2. There are about 7,500 different types of apples, but 100 of those types are grown commercially in the United States.
  3. Apples are grown in all 50 states, but the top apple producing states are: New York, Ohio, Michigan, Washington, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California, North Carolina, Oregon and Idaho.
  4. Apples are fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium and packed with antioxidants.
  5. A medium sized apple has 80 calories.
  6. They can be eaten fresh, cooked or canned.
  7. Apples are one of the best tasting sources of soluble fiber.
  8. It takes 4-5 years for an apple tree to produce their first apple.
  9. Apple trees can live up to 100 years.
  10. It takes 36 apples to produce one gallon of apple cider.
  11. Apples are a member of the rose family along with pears and plums.
  12. Apples are less dense than water and that is why they float.
  13. Eating apples can improve your memory.
  14. Apple juice is one of the most popular juices.
  15. The average person eats 65 apples per year.

15 Fun Apple Facts to Share with Kids while Picking Apples

After your family has picked their delicious apples, what should you do with them? Here are some of our favorite recipes from talented bloggers!

Apple Pie Crescent Bites from tbsp.

Apple & Gouda Grilled Cheese from Domestic Superhero

Crock Pot Apple Sauce from Chocolate, Chocolate and More

Slow Cooker Apple Butter from This Girl’s Life Blog



Did you and your family go apple picking this year? What is your favorite kind of apple to pick?

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