Just BeCause | Thoughtful Thursday

Kindness is Contagious

thoughtfulthursday button kindness is contagious

In 2009, SPPRAK (special people performing random acts of kindness), a nonprofit organization was launched by Kim Grubb, Robin Heng, and Susan Short. SPPRAK’S mission is to encourage acts of kindness that make a difference in the lives of others. In February 2013, SPPRAK received permission to place banners inside schools, encouraging students to write on sticky notes when their classmates and teachers performed a random act of kindness for them. A first grade teacher in Terre Haute, Indiana, where SPPRAK banners were placed, asked her students to write down each act of kindness that their classmates and teachers did for them. This was only meant to be a two week program but due to its popularity it has become a long term program that has become popular in other local schools and even at many high schools. American comic strip creator and author Scott Adams once said, “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” This quote is true for the students partaking in SPPARK; they are proving that kindness is contagious. This Thoughtful Thursday, we thank SPPARK for teaching children at a young age how to be kind to others.

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