Kanye Ortiz, a nine-year-old who loves watching and playing football, did an unthinkable act of kindness for a stranger in early August. Kanye was given the opportunity to get a football signed by his favorite player of the Houston Texans, J.J Watt. Although he was excited to get the signature, Kanye saw a boy in a wheel chair that was having trouble getting to the field to get his ball signed. This boy was 15-year-old, Zuriel Sanchez, who suffers from spina bifida.
Kanye decided to do the right thing by giving his newly signed football to Zuriel. The 15-year-old boy was shocked by Kanye’s generosity. “If you do something nice for someone, it will help you later on, and it will help you later on in life,” said Kanye. This Thoughful Thursday, we applaud Kanye being a giving individual with a big heart.