craft | FriDIY

How to Make Indoor Play Sand

In wintertime, one of the biggest struggles is keeping kids engaged and occupied. Our solution is to bring our Dino Dig Sand and Water Table inside to create some prehistoric fun!Step2 Blog How to Make Indoor Play Sand

Since play sand is too messy to have inside your house, we made a version that doesn’t cause a big mess and it keeps it’s shape. Your kids will love digging in the sand and making hills and mountains for their dinos to play on.

What you will need:

  • 20 lbs of play sand
  • 20 oz of cornstarch
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 tsp of dish soap
  • Large container
  • Small shovel

1. Pour your play sand into your container.

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2. Add the cornstarch to the play sand and mix thoroughly.

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3. Add water and dish soap to the sand and cornstarch and mix them together. (You may need to add a little more water to the mixture to get the right consistency. If you add too much, just let the mixture sit out for a few hours, it will dry out.)

4. Your indoor play sand is ready to use! Pour it into your Dino Dig Sand and Water Table and let your little paleontologist’s imaginations run wild!

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