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Can You Hear Me Now?

PhonesIn the Consumer Service division of Step2, we really enjoy speaking with our customers! They often tell us how much they love Step2, our products, or even how they may need to purchase replacement parts as they pass down from one child or generation to the next. The best is when we hear that their Step2 toy has traveled so many miles that the wheels need replaced!

Recently we had a lovely person call with a great deal of concern regarding a phone that she had found in New York City. She worried an executive “had to have lost his or her phone”, which she and her husband found on a walk through Central Park, silver in color with the Step2 phone number on the display! We thanked her for the information and tried to explain that we are a toy manufacturer, and it was a toy phone for one of our playhouses, most likely dropped by a child who was enjoying a trip through the park. “No, no, she insisted. I know Step2 makes toys, we have bought many for our children and grandchildren throughout the years. This phone is real and I will turn it in to the front desk of the hotel we are staying at, so that they may make arrangements to return it to the person at Step2 who lost it!”

There is a lot of pride with this call: the realism of our products, knowledge of our company and consideration of our callers.

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