DIY | Hints and Tips

Can-Do DIY Crafts

can crafts

Get crafty and eco-friendly with some family fun activities involving metal cans! Below are some of the most creative can crafts that we have found from Family Fun Magazine, PBS, Make & Takes, and Fave Crafts.

Cool Can Chimes: Take four or five empty and clean cans, ranging in size from large to small. Then grab heavyweight string, a wooden ring, and acrylic paint to design the metal cans. Your backyard will be transformed into a beautiful and musical wonderland

can chimes

Mini Tin Can Drums: Children can design their own drum set with tape, stickers, ribbons, construction paper, and balloons. Plus, these little drums help promote fine motor skills!.

can drums


Soup Can Bowling: Bowling with soup cans is a great rainy day craft and activity for the kids. Collect as many soup cans as you desire and paint them with acrylic paint. Pick up a 5” Styrofoam ball at a craft store and paint it to resemble a bowling ball. Keep score of who can knock down the most soup cans!

soup can bowling

Tin Can Robots: Create futuristic robots with tin cans, magnets, sponges, and pipe cleaners! Kids will love putting together their own robot and watching how fast the magnets and tin cans connect to one another.

can robots

Which craft will you create with your family?

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