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We're Moms Too: A Letter to My Daughter, the High School Graduate

Written by Rose as part of the We’re Moms Too series.

I am a mom of a beautiful 18 year old daughter who has graduated high school/culinary and will be attending college next spring.

I would like to say a few words to this wonderful woman:


Through the years, I have watched you grow. I remember when I was pregnant with you, it was a joy and miracle. Your dad and I couldn’t wait to see you. And then the day you were born, your dad just looked at me with tears in his eyes and said “Thank you.”

From that day on, I have watched you lift your eyes and smile and take your first steps. I’ve watched you through the glass while you were in the Step2 Daycare, as you learned to write your name and having fun playing with all your Step2 friends. I remember the day that you all had your Little Helpers shopping carts and went through the office and the factory and Trick or Treated. I think you got a whole cart full. I also remember your 5th birthday when we were all going to go to McDonald’s, but there was a big snow storm, so I went and got all the happy meals and your teachers, (Ms. B, Ms Barb, and Ms Anna) made a play area in the cafeteria to make up for not being able to go.

When you graduated day care, I remember you smiling and so happy; you were a big girl and were getting ready to go to Kindergarten. You were so proud to get on the bus that first day. Mommy was crying and you kept telling me that it was all going to be alright. And of course it was because you made so many friends.

I remember each year I would wait out by the road with you until you got on the bus. I also remember the first time you said that you were a big girl and could get on the bus by yourself. I was so proud of you because even though it doesn’t sound like a lot, it was a very big accomplishment.

Then you were off to high school and I found myself crying happy tears again because school years are very important and you were finding your way. Then you went to Maplewood and took Culinary, and I have to admit that I was a bit worried, but I guess I shouldn’t have been because you fit right in. I remember the recipes that you would speak of and how you loved your culinary teachers.

Then it was the beginning of your senior year (I was asking myself, “Where did all the time go?”) I remember your dad and I coming into have lunch with you and you introducing us to your extended Family. I just watched you glow.

Then the day came where you were walking down the rows of chairs into the isle to stand in line to get your diploma. I didn’t think I could be happier for you than I was.

So I would just like to say that life is a journey that we all take. We never know which road to follow, but in the path, we learn and grow. Just remember as you are now starting another part of your journey, that you are a very strong and brave young woman and with God you can overcome the obstacles that you will face every day. As you follow your dreams, life will take a lot of twists and turns, but if you keep believing in God, he will always be there and all will be as it should. I want to say that you have grown into a wonderful young woman and I’m very proud of you.

I love you,



Left: At age 4 in day care; Right: Age 18 graduating from high school

Rachel is working and getting ready to start college business courses as she would like to open her own coffee shop. I’m very proud to call her my daughter and wish her many years of happiness!

WM2-RoseRose is a Consumer Service Specialist and has been with Step2 forr 14 years. She enjoys reading, camping, and spending time with her family.

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