Hints and Tips | Thanksgiving

Kid Friendly Thanksgiving Meals

Kid Friendly Thanksgiving Meals

Thanksgiving meals can be mouth watering and fulfilling. However, sometimes children may not agree with the Thanksgiving menu. Does your son stare blankly at the turkey and ask for something else to eat? Does your daughter refuse to touch the sweet potatoes because she does not know what they are? It is important to have variety for children and adults alike for the Thanksgiving celebration. Here are some kid friendly Thanksgiving menu options, thanks to Weather.com

Incorporate the theme and icon of Thanksgiving with a Turkey Muffin. This muffin is not made with turkey although the name can be deceiving. It is a pumpkin muffin, decorated with red and green apples, grapes, icing, and carrots. Let your kids design their own turkey muffin.

I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream! Trying to get the children to enjoy eating mash potatoes and sweet potatoes, but they do not want to try them? Making the potatoes look like ice cream may entice children to try these Thanksgiving favorites. Click here for recipes to make the potatoes look like ice cream.

Many children enjoy chicken nuggets. Even though chicken nuggets may not be on the Thanksgiving menu, you can substitute chicken for turkey nuggets! It may help children try turkey when it looks similar to one of their favorite dinnertime meals.

What foods will you be putting on the Thanksgiving table that kids will enjoy? Will you try one of these options at Thanksgiving dinner?

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